
2023 Homeless World Cup: street papers and street soccer

Street papers9 min read18 Jun 2023

By Tony Inglis

With the 2023 Homeless World Cup set to take place in Sacramento, California, US from 8-15 July, the International Network of Street Papers (INSP) is celebrating the crossover between street soccer and street papers.

The Homeless World Cup returns in July for the first time in four years, marking 20 years since the tournament began. That it will take place in Sacramento is apt: California is grappling with an ever worsening and complex homelessness crisis.

The state has a strong history of homelessness advocacy epitomised by the presence of street papers. In the Bay Area, San Francisco’s Street Sheet and Berkeley’s Street Spirit are two of the world’s longest running street papers. Sacramento, the city that will host this year’s Homeless World Cup, is home to another: Homeward Street Journal.

The International Network of Street Papers (INSP) is a Glasgow, Scotland based trade organization founded in 1994 for over 100 street newspapers from 35 countries.

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