
Social media groups offer financial support

Poverty9 min read14 Jun 2023

By Anna Skoog

Skyrocketing energy and food prices and interest rates have led to considerably higher costs for households across Europe and the rest of the world. The worst affected are those on low incomes and state benefits, who often spend most or all their income on covering essential costs.

With rising inflation, various aid organisations have also experienced increasing pressure. In January, Dagens Nyheter reported that the membership of community grocers doubled in 2022. Faktum also reported earlier this year that the City Mission and the Swedish Church are also providing food, clothes and hygiene products to increasing numbers of service users.

Many of those most affected by the cost of living crisis find their way out of a difficult financial situation using quick loans and credit, leaving them in an even worse financial predicament.

This article first appeared in Faktum, a magazine sold on the streets of Gothenburg, Sweden, by people who have limited other ways of earning an income.

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